23 Maret 2022
Saat kami ditugaskan untuk melakukan assesment sebuah proyek konstruksi di Provinsi Papua Barat, seperti biasa kami harus mempersiapkan data2 dan rencana perjalanan yang detail dan akurat.
Ternyata lokasi yang akan kami kunjungi cukup menantang yaitu sama2 sulit ditempuh dari Papua Barat maupun dari Papua. Hal ini selain belum ada jalan permanen, juga aa masalah terkait keamanan di sana.
Berikut ini saya bagikan buat para pembaca blog ini, sedikit gambaran mengenai data2 yang kami dapatkan dan jadi bahan pertimbangan ketika kita akan melakukan perjalanan dinas ke pedalaman Papua dan Papua Barat.
Daftar Kabupaten di Provinsi Papua
- Kab. Jayapura
- Kab. Sarmi
- Kab. Keerom
- Kota Jayapura
- Kab. Merauke
- Kab Boven Digoel
- Kab. Mappi
- Kab. Asmat
- Kab. Puncak Jaya
- Kab. Yahukimo
- Kab. Tolikara
- Kab. Pegunungan Bintang
- Kab. Mimika
- Kab Mamberamo Raya
- Kab. Supiori
- Kab Kepulauan Yapen
- Kab. Waropen
- Kab. Nabire
- Kab. Paniai
- Kab. Yalimo
- Kab. Deiyai
- Kab. Biak Numfor
- Kab. Dogiyai
- Kab. Lanny Jaya
- Kab. Puncak
- Kab Jayawijaya
- Kab. Mamberamo Tengah
- Kab Intan Jaya
- Kab. Nduga
Daftar Kabupaten di Provinsi Papua Barat:
- Kabupaten Fakfak Fakfak
- Kabupaten Kaimana Kaimana
- Kabupaten Manokwari Manokwari
- Kabupaten Manokwari Selatan Ransiki
- Kabupaten Maybrat Kumurkek
- Kabupaten Pegunungan Arfak Anggi
- Kabupaten Raja Ampat Waisai
- Kabupaten Sorong Aimas
- Kabupaten Sorong Selatan Teminabuan
- Kabupaten Tambrauw Fef
- Kabupaten Teluk Bintuni Bintuni
- Kabupaten Teluk Wondama Rasiei
- Kota Sorong Sorong
Berikut ini daftar lokasi dari beberapa kejadian serangan KKB Papua dan Papua Barat, agar menajdi perhatian dalam memilih rute perjalanan dan proyek2 yang akan dikunjungi agar lebih aman.
1 | 20 Maret 2022 | Papua | Paniai | Distrik Baya Biru . penambangan emas | (KKB) Lewis Kogoya pimpinan Undius Kogoya | Bripda Zulkarnaen Sommeng, selamat. 11 unit rumah atau camp warga di lokasi 45 dan 4 perumahan di puskesmas, serta perumahan guru dibakar. |
2 | 8 Maret 2022 | Papua | Intan Jaya | Kampung Kumbalagupa, Distrik Sugapa | pekerja proyek pembangunan rumah Dinas Sosial Pemda Intan Jaya mengalami luka akibat dibacok KKB | |
3 | 2 Maret 2022 | Papua | Puncak | Kampung Kago, Distrik Ilaga dan Tower di Distrik Beoga | 8 karyawan PT Palaparing Timur Telematika (PPT) tewas tertembak.. 1 pekerja Nelson dievakuasi dg Helikopter. | |
4 | 3 Maret 2022 | Papua | Puncak | Kampung Dambet, Distrik Beoga | 15 orang KKB | 12 personel prajurit TNI di Pos Koramil Dambet Satgas Kodim Yonif R 408/SBH. satu personel atas nama Pratu Herianto anggota Satgas Kodim Yonif R 408/SBH mengalami luka terkena tembakan pada bagian leher bawah telinga |
5 | 27 Januari 2022 | Papua | Puncak | Distrik Gome | Satgas Kodim YR 408/Sbh, Tiga prajurit tewas dalam kontak tembak terjadi antara TNI dengan Tentara Pembebasan Nasional Papua Barat – Organisasi Papua Merdeka (TPNPB-OPM) Mereka adalah Serda M Rizal Maulana Arifin, Pratu Tupel Alomoan Baraza, dan Pratu Rahman Tomilawa. | |
6 | 20 November 2021 | Papua | Yakuhimo | Distrik Suru Suru | Panglima Komando Daerah Pertahanan XVI Yahukimo, Brigjen Elkius Kobak dan Komandan Operasi Kodap XVI Yahukimo Erick Bahabol. KKB Pimpinan Tendius Gwijangge | Sertu Ari Baskoro meninggal |
7 | 13 September 2021 | Papua | Pegunungan Bintang | Distrik Kiwirok, | 9 nakes menjadi korban dalam insiden tersebut yaitu Restu Pamanggi, Marselinus Ola Attanila, Manuel Abi, Martinus Deni Satya, Lukas Luji, Patra, Siti Khodijah, Katrianti Tandila, dan Christina Sampetonapa. Korban Kristina Sampe Tonapa ditemukan dalam kondisi hidup. Sedangkan korban Gabriela Meilan dalam kondisi meninggal dunia Seorang anggota TNI mengalami luka tembak di bagian tangan dan sejumlah fasilitas umum dibakar. Selain puskesmas, KKB juga membakar Kantor Bank Papua Perawakilan Distrik Kiwirok, Kantor Distrik Kiwirok, SD dan Pasar Kiwirok | |
8 | 2 September 2021 | Papua Barat | Maybrat | Posramil Kisor Kampung Kisor Distrik Aifat Selatan | kelompok separatis bersenjata sebanyak kurang lebih 50 orang | empat orang personel anggota Posramil Kisor meninggal yakni, Serda Amrosius, Praka Dirham, dan Pratu Zul Ansari. Ada satu luka berat atas nama Sertu Juliano dan hilang dua orang atas nama Lettu Chb dirman selaku Danposramil dan Pratu Ikbal,” |
9 | 18 Juni 2021 | Papua | Yahukimo | Kampung Bingky, Distrik Seradala, | 30 orang dipimpin Tendius Gwijangge alias Tendinus Murib | Hermanto, selamat |
10 | 24 Juni 2021 | Papua | Asmat | Kampung Musumbua. | Pimpinan Tendius Gwijangge | Karyawan PT Papua Cremona, proyek pembangunan Jembatan Kali Kupa di Kampung Musumba. 5 meninggal, 7 selamat. |
11 | 18 Mei 2021 | Papua | Yakuhimo | Bandara Yahukimo, Distrik Dekai | 1 Prajurit TNI gugur pengamanan perbaikan Bandara Yahukimo di Kali Brasa, Distrik Dekai dan SS2-V4 dilengkapi teleskop ACOG yang mampu membidik sasaran dalam jarak jauh dirampas KKB. | |
12 | 11 April 2021 | Papua | Puncak | bandara Aminggaru Ilaga, | Sebuah helikopter yang terparkir di bandara Aminggaru Ilaga, Kabupaten Puncak, dibakar anggota KKB sekitar pukul 20.20 WIT | |
13 | 3 Maret 2021 | Papua | Asmat | Agats | perusakan kantor bupati dan Komisi Pemilihan Umum (KPU) Asmat serta beberapa fasilitas publik lainnya. | |
14 | 6 Januari 2021 | Papua | Mimika | Kampung Tsinga, Distrik Tembagapura, | Kelompok Kriminal Bersenjata (KKB) Kalikopi. | serangan ke helikopter di Kampung Tsinga, Distrik Tembagapura, Mimika. Helikopter yang ditembak KKB Papua milik PT Freeport Indonesia. Helikopter tersebut ditembak ketika berada di atas ketinggian 1.500 kaki. Akibat tembakan tersebut, helikopter mengalami kebocoran tangki bahan bakar. |
15 | 30 Maret 2020 | Papua | Mimika | kawasan Office Bulding (OB) perkantoran PT Freeport di Main Office Kuala Kencana di Mimika, Papua | Aksi masuk Kota Timika ini dipimpin Gusby Waker yang merupakan Komandan Operasi TPNPB Koda P XVIII Kemabu, Intan Jaya termasuk Wilayah Tembagapura, Papua | menewaskan satu warga negara asing (WNA) Selandia Baru yang merupakan karyawan PT Freeport Indonesia, “Identitas korban Graeme Thomas Weal (57) meninggal dunia. Lalu, Jibril MA Bahar (49) mengalami luka akibat terkena tembakan pada perut bagian kanan dan paha kanan. Kemudian, Ucok Simanungkalit (52), karyawan PT Freeport Indonesia, luka pada siku kanan dan punggung belakang,” |
16 | 26 Jan 2020 | Papua | Intan Jaya | Kampung Jupara Distrik Supaga | Kelompok OPM Kampung Wadoga | Pos Ramil 1705-11/Supaga. Anak kecil Jakson Sodegau tertembak. |
17 | 16 Oktober 2019 | Papua | Puncak | Distrik Ilaga Utara | helikopter Bell 206 milik PT Intan Angkasa Air Service ditembak orang tak dikenal, di Distrik Ilaga Utara, Kabupaten Puncak | |
18 | 28 Juni 2019 | Papua | Pegunungan Bintang | Pegunungan Kowr, Bolom-bolom di Distrik Oksob | helikopter mengangkut 12 orang, terdiri atas 7 kru dan 5 personel Satgas Yonif 725/Woroagi. Helikopter TNI MI-17 diketahui sedang dalam misi pengiriman logistik ke pos udara pengamanan perbatasan (Pamtas) di Distrik Okbibab, Kabupaten Pegunungan Bintang, Papua |
Jika ada anggota Team yang Warga Negara Asing, misalnya Warga Negara Australia.
Saat artikel ini dibuat 23 Maret 2022, Level Security untuk Area Papua dan Papua Barat adalah Level 3 artinya Reconsider your need to travel.
Berikut Rinciannya:
Level 3: Reconsider your need to travel
Avoid non-essential travel. Do your research and check that your insurer will cover you. If you do travel, take extra precautions to protect yourself from security and health risks.
At level 3, there are serious and potentially life-threatening risks. This can make the destination unsafe for tourism and unsuitable for most travellers. This could be due to:
- an ongoing threat of terrorism or kidnapping
- the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic
- travel disruptions
- frequent incidents of violent crime
- ongoing civil unrest
- widespread disease
- other safety risks
Think seriously about your need to travel to these places. This may mean postponing non-essential travel or choosing a less risky destination.
If you decide to travel anyway, it’s your responsibility to reduce your risks and stay safe. The Australian Government is limited in how and when it can help if you get into trouble. Conditions may change at any time. Be prepared for an extended stay or significant disruptions to travel.
These countries often have an unpredictable security environment. We may assign this advice level temporarily when there’s been a major incident there. This could include a natural disaster, terrorist attack, civil unrest or global pandemic that has made the destination too risky for most travellers.
At level 3, the COVID-19 risk to you may be higher than at Level 2 destinations. Authorities may implement measures to manage outbreaks which may affect your ability to move freely, including in and out of the country. Be prepared for an extended stay or disruptions to international travel, including return travel to Australia. The ability to provide consular services may be limited. See our Global COVID-19 Health Advisory for more information.
Our advice levels also apply to Australian officials travelling overseas. Officials must undertake a detailed security risk assessment before travelling to these areas. They may have to adopt specific protective security measures.
If travelling to a destination with an advice level of 3, follow all the advice for levels 1 and 2, as well as the following before you go and when you get there.
Before you go
- Research the political and security situation from a variety of sources before booking. Understand the risks. Check news and social media and understand what’s going on.
- Check your travel insurance policy carefully. It may not cover travel to ‘reconsider your need to travel’ destinations.
- Understand the health situation and risks for your destination, entry requirements and any local restrictions on movement, events and gatherings due to health risks.
- Consider whether you may be in a vulnerable category for COVID-19.
- Research the health services available, services may be strained and may not be the same as you would receive in Australia.
- Pre-book accommodation in safe areas with appropriate security.
- Get local advice on your itinerary. Follow advice on areas to avoid.
- Minimise time spent in airports by scheduling direct flights if possible. Avoid stopovers in high-risk airports.
- Stay as short a time as possible. Eliminate unnecessary activities.
- Think carefully about your security. At your hotel and getting around. Organise tailored security arrangements and prepare contingency plans.
- Ask your tour operator about their safety record and security arrangements. This includes safety equipment, extra security, emergency plans and evacuation procedures.
- Regularly review your security arrangements. The threat environment could change at short notice.
- Have an up-to-date will and enduring power of attorney in case you die. Designate appropriate insurance and beneficiaries.
While you’re away
- Be aware of the health risks for your location. Follow the advice of local authorities and minimise your risk of exposure to COVID-19.
- Pre-plan your travel routes. Have contingency plans in place.
- Be prepared to change your plans in response to evolving threats.
- Avoid potential terrorism targets. Know what to do in the event of a terrorist attack.
- Stay alert and always be aware of your environment. Look out for suspicious activity or items, and report anything of concern to local authorities.
- Don’t discuss travel plans with strangers. Never share personal information with people asking questions without good reason.
- Don’t discuss your plans or risk management strategies where they might be overheard by others.
- Don’t share information about your travel arrangements on social media.
How to minimise your exposure to risks
- Avoid travelling alone, especially after dark and on long trips.
- Minimise travelling by foot. Be vigilant in public areas.
- Before getting into a vehicle, check it for anything suspicious.
- Make sure any vehicles you use are in good working order and have enough fuel to get you out of unexpected trouble.
- When driving, keep your car doors locked and your windows up.
- Watch for people following you. Be ready to take evasive action.
- Avoid using public transport. Only use trusted private transport.
- Check the safety record of your travel service providers. Always use available safety equipment, even if others don’t.
- Never take something across a border for someone else. If it contains something illegal, such as drugs, you could be arrested or jailed
- Don’t meet strangers in your hotel room, or in unknown or remote places.
- Maintain good hygiene and physical distancing when interacting with other people.
Make contingency arrangements
- Wherever you are, have a plan of action in case the environment becomes unsafe.
- Be prepared to change your plans at short notice. This could include changing meetings or activities to less prominent areas, or to less dangerous days.
- Always carry a charged phone. Save local emergency contact details in it.
- Tell a trusted person about where you’re going and when you plan to return. Discuss and agree what action they should take if you don’t return at the planned time.
- Maintain contingency kits. Include medical supplies, food, water and fuel. This can help sustain you through any period of heightened unrest.
- Carry provisions with you when getting around.
In the event of a crisis and due to the global COVID-19 pandemic, departure options may be severely limited. You’re responsible for ensuring you can depart independently and that your travel documentation is up-to-date. Don’t expect the Australian Government to organise your departure. See the Consular Services Charter to understand how and when we can help.